Membership Information

Becoming a Member

Membership in the Alliance is available to Associations as defined in Article 1, “Associations”, of the ABCPOA Bylaws   Application for membership shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Alliance.  The applicant Association must meet the requirements stated in the ABCPOA Bylaws, Article III B.

Application for membership shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Alliance. The applicant Association must meet the requirements as stated in Article 1 “Association.”  In addition, the Association must submit a copy of their Certificate of Incorporation as issued to them by the NC Secretary of State.  In all cases, the Membership Committee shall verify that all prerequisites of Article I, “Associations” are met and shall recommend approval or denial to a quorum of the Board of Directors at a Regular Board of Directors meeting.  The President shall call an immediate vote by the Directors on the recommendations by the Membership Committee.  Secretary will verify that the Association is in good standing. New members will be approved by a majority affirmative vote of the Board of Directors present and voting.